with Love from all of us...

Enjoy ~

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday from Sara ~

While most of my memories of you involve “big brother duties” (spitting gum in my
hair, sitting on my face and farting, etc.) I also have a lot of good memories. I remember
watching Saturday morning cartoons together, getting my butt kicked playing Super
Nintendo against you and watching you perform your killer rollerblading moves from the
front porch.

If you couldn’t tell, all of us girls have always looked up to you. Although it was the
un-cool thing to do, I loved tagging along with you growing up. I remember you let
me go with you to work one day, and it was the COOLEST! At the time, you worked
at that computer store with the big pink gorilla. On the way there, we listened to all of
your “cool” music, which you of course knew all of the words to. You showed me around
the store, showed me what your job was and almost let me dress up as the big pink

You’ve always been a good sport when it comes to your little sisters. Although we
cried, complained and tattled ALL the time to mom, you still loved us – eventually ;)

Its been so fun growing up with you. Watching you sing your “Batman Sucks” song in
the back yard with your Layton friends, peeking out from the front room curtains to see
your latest girl friend, getting married and watching as you’ve lovingly welcomed each of
your children into the world.

We’re so glad that you are truly happy with your life and for the great role model,
husband and father you are. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and feel all the love we
have for you. We love you.

Love, Sara

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