with Love from all of us...

Enjoy ~

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday from Mom ~

Ear Troubles
We were at a gymnasium practicing archery. Christopher was about 3 or 4 years old, running around acting like a little boy. A few moments later in a look of sheer panic on his face, he came running up to me saying part of his ear had come out and he was trying to put it back in.(He'd had tubes put in his ear for frequent ear infections and the tube had fallen out.)
> Large Man
I took Christopher grocery shopping at Albertsons. We were going up and down the isles when he noticed a rather large man a few feet away. Mom, that man eats too much! I cringed, then hurried out of the store.
> My Favorite
I was working on a project. I asked Christopher (about age 2) to please get me an elastic. He ran over to the kitchen drawer and brought me back an egg beater. I thought it was so cute! Hey, they both start with "E" Who knows maybe he heard me wrong...
> One time we were sitting down for a family meal, Christopher was about between 3 or 4 years old. I noticed he wasn't eating and asked him why. He said, I'm on a diet.
> A few things about Christo:His sisters called him Dudu (often still do)We were young inexperienced parents and even though Christo was a perfect child, it seems we were always yelling his name for doing something wrong (I hear this in our family videos)
> I wanted to named him Christopher because it meant "gift from God"When he was 12, he took our computer apart. I was mad, but then he put it back together and it worked!I was told by an astrologer that Christopher was a genius. That proves the above point.He's always loved spending time with grandma Larson, however, when he'd stay overnight she had him take a kitchen timer to the bathroom and brush his teeth for 2 minutes. (he never complained to me about this) He once tried to ride his "big wheel" down to Smiths, didn't get too far before I caught him. He was on Gentile, in Layton (A very busy road)He's always been creative and fun and very talented in every thing he wants to do.He's very loving, kind and thoughtful, did I mention handsome? He's a great dad, husband and family man!In short, you're the best!! Thanks for being YOU!HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WE LOVE YOU!

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