with Love from all of us...

Enjoy ~

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday from Julie Ewing

One of my favorite Chris Larson moments involved me picking him up from his house. He was living in South Logan, near Providence with a couple of other guys. I walked into their apartment and it smelled really, really bad. When I asked him what the smell was he told me that he had heard that if you put a CD in the microwave it would create a little lightening storm around the CD. He had his roommates had, apparently, been microwaving CDs through the evening and in addition to making a lightening storm it had made their house smell BAD. To this day remembering this situation makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. Who microwaves a CD? Oh…Chris Larson does.

Living in Cache Valley was fun with a friend like Chris. He’s fun, lighthearted, and a kindred nerd. Chris burned me my very first MP3 CD (it had some Tom Jones on it). Chris made me go and see The Matrix on opening day. Chris and I grabbed a milkshake and he snuck them into the theater up the sleeves of his coat. Yeah, we were Cache Valley rebels! Chris was always fun to talk to and I have very fond memories of chattin’ it up under the stars in my parent’s backyard, Betos, and the Cinefour. Oh and his work ethic? Don’t get me started about his work ethic. I’ve never met anyone who was willing to work as hard as Chris.

I’m so glad that Chris has resurfaced in my life. He’s still the same genuinely good guy I’ve always known, it’s fun to see him as such a devoted husband and father. I’m so happy that he’s found such a wonderful wife in Karli and has such a beautiful family.

Happy 31th Birthday my friend! Go microwave some CDs in celebration…

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